Tuesday, 24 September 2013

mt. timpanogos

So a couple of work friends invited me to hike mt. timpanogos to see the sunrise friday night/saturday morning. I immediately said yes-not realizing what i just got myself into. 
We left the trailhead at about 2 am and got up to the top of the summit at 7 am. The first couple hours weren't bad. i was feeling pretty energized and motivated, plus the trail was fairly easy. Then we got to the hard part. For what it seemed like a couple miles, were just rocks and rocks as the trail. Every step was uncomfortable and i was just ready to get to the top. When i thought we got to the top, there was still more to go...the hardest part. We scaled the side of this mountain in the dark with strong winds and a sheer cliff. It seemed impossible at times. We finally got to the top and enjoyed the sunrise for a half hour, then made our way back. 

4 hours later we reached our cars, and i don't think i've ever been happier. 
That's right, 9 hours hiking. count them. 
Looking back, i'm glad i did it, but in the moment i hated it. 
But now i don't ever have to do it again. ever. 
thank goodness. 

Saturday, 14 September 2013

roar on cougars!

I went to my first BYU football game as a student, and it was one to remember. 

Mallory and I met some friends at the stadium and found our seats. Not five minutes later did a ginormous black rain cloud come right over the stadium and start pouring and pouring. We got soaked in minutes.

There was thunder and lightning every few seconds and we knew the game would be postponed for sure. After contemplating waiting it out or going home to our warm, dry homes, we left and started our way home. 

Mind you we were not prepared for this freak hurricane so i was in a t-shirt, capris, and vans. Not ideal for this weather. We came across an intersection and found it to be completely flooded up to our shins! 

 After showering and putting on more appropriate clothes, we ventured back to the second half of the game to see BYU dominate Texas to shame. 
Go Cougars!