My friend Cam invited me to a saxophone concert at BYU the other day. Apparently these guys were pretty legit and a big deal in eastern europe. They were a quartet and i was certainly surprised at how great a sax band could be.
The only downside: you could totally see all the drool and saliva coming out of their saxophones. absolutely disgusting. it was very distracting.
Right before we went in to the theatre, who should walk in but President Uchtdorf. I was completely star struck! i was at a loss for words. We ended up sitting just a couple rows behind him. cool huh?
I immediately snap-chatted everyone i knew and couldn't stop looking at him the whole concert. We didn't ever shake hands or say hi because Cam and I left at intermission (no judging-we had been there for over an hour and it wasn't even halfway yet).